Kingdom Hearts: Organization XIII

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Organization XIII member #08 Axel

Known as the Flurry of Dancing Flames, he uses the fire element and holds two chakrams as his weapons. Axel was double agent for the Organization to spy on Marluxia & Larxene, who discovered on trying to take over the Organization. Later on, Axel tried to save Roxas from the virtual Twilight Town, but failed to do so. Axel then kidnapped Kairi to bait Sora, but lost her when she was taken by Saïx. Axel warned Sora of the Organization using him to get hearts, and apologises for getting Kairi involved. Axel then latter helped Sora fight in the path way to the World That Never Was, and died by performing a suicide attack. After the attack, he told Sora before he died that he kidnapped Kairi because he wanted to see Roxas. Since Roxas was his best friend, being with him made him feel like he had a heart (even though all nobodies have no hearts) and also said that Sora made him feel the same way. After that, Axel faded away. Axel's original self was Lea.


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