Kingdom Hearts: Organization XIII

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Organization XIII member #11 Marluxia

Known as the Graceful Assassin. Marluxia used Naminé to change Sora's memories to try and bend him to his will, so he can take over the Organization. After he and Sora came face to face, he orders Naminé to erase all of Sora's memories to cause his heart to collapse. Naminé refused to do so since Sora forgave her on changing his memories. Sora then fights Marluxia, only to later realize he's been fighting a fake. Sora then finds the real Marluxia (who is known as Marluxia Reduxs the Chain of Memories game for the GBA) and kills him. Marluxia uses the flower element and wields a scythe for his weapon. Marluxia is bonus boss in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix.


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