Kingdom Hearts: Organization XIII

Friday, January 25, 2008

Organization XIII member #14 Xion

A mysterious nobody that looks like Sora's friend Kairi, she uses the light element and hold's a Keyblade. She grows a rather strong friendship with Axel and Roxas. She is not a really a Nobody, but a replica of Roxas with Sora's memories of Kairi. She was created in order to serve as the Organization's Keyblade wielder incase Roxas proved useless. She went to Namine to return Sora's memories back to him, but was brought back to The World that Never was by Axel. Her mind was then altered by Xemnas, as she target Roxas inorder to make him apart of her after taking on Sora's form and become the real Sora. She was defeated by Roxas and disappears, but asks that Roxas stop Xemnas and free Kingdom Hearts. She bacame one with both Roxas and Sora, thereforth giving Roxas his second Keyblade.


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